Sell online with the right sales platform

There has been a dramatic shift in consumer trends since the COVID 19 pandemic. According to a survey conducted by Mckinsey, consumers rated value, convenience and availability as their top considerations while choosing new brands. Consumer’s intent towards online purchases turned favorable, and they cited that they would continue to shop online post- covid.

According to e-marketer, there was a 25.7% surge in sales in the retail e-commerce market worldwide in 2020. This year it is expected that there will be around a 16.8% surge which would amount to a shocking $4.921 trillion.

Why should you Sell Online?

Not every business can easily set up a traditional brick and mortar store. The age of technology has paved an equal opportunity for businesses to reach their customers. 

Let us look at the top 3 reasons why you should sell online-

Minimum  Go-to-Market Time

It takes a few clicks to set up an online sales platform The minimal effort involved helps business owners feel confident to create well-designed sites due to the predefined templates offered by the online selling platforms.

Few examples of ecommerce platforms include Posbytz, Shopify, and Squarespace. Posbytz’s realistic and straightforward interface helps business owners feel confident in running their online business as a long term strategy.


The cost of investing in an online business is minimal. This helps you focus on building your inventory and spend more on advertising your business. You will also have a greater reach to your audience online when compared to your traditional offline stores.

Customer Data Insights

The main advantage of an online sales platform for business owners is viewing real-time data analytics on their sales. You can also have a hawk’s eye view of your customer interactions and innovate according to the customer feedback. 

Where and How to Sell Online?

This is an important question to consider when you decide first to set up your online store. It is similar to asking what location you would perceive your brand would have higher chances of performing better. You need to understand your short-term and long-term goals for your business and do your research to choose the best platform to sell online.

Posbytz enables businesses to create an online store for free. In fact, for every sale of a product, they ensure that there is no commission is charged. The blend of powerful POS software and the ability to create an online store makes them the best platform to choose to sell your products.

Once you have set up your online store, you need to consider the following points to increase your website traffic and purchases.

  1. Provide clear and concise product descriptions. This would assure the customer, who may hesitate to purchase if he feels insufficient details are provided. Uploading high-quality images and detailed descriptions would lead to higher conversion rates.

  2. Create a section for customers to review and comment on the product. Customer reviews play a great role in influencing the purchase decision.

  3. Create mobile-friendly formats. Smartphone users tend to be more impulsive in their purchase decisions and may leave the item in the cart without checking out if they face obstacles while shopping online.

Steps to create your online store with Posbytz

Steps to create your Ecommerce website  with Posbytz

1.Create an account

  You can easily register your account for free on the Posbytz website. First, select the type of business type and enter your email address.

2.Create the online store

In a matter of seconds, your virtual store is ready to be launched. Your store is optimized for online selling. Posbytz offers a variety of features to businesses to help increase their profit margins and also monitor their daily performance. 

Let us look at some parameters that Posbytz offers-

Once you have set up your online store you can easily share the link to your customers for them to purchase your products through Whatsapp, Instagram and Facebook.

2) Synchronization of Data

You can automatically sync your orders, inventory and employee details efficiently. You can also import or export data efficiently. There are no restrictions on downloading the data for future records and analysis.

3) Seamless Integration of Online Delivery Apps

Integrated with multiple Delivery platforms to seamless deliver the online  or using a Free Delivery app for your own riders.

4) Powerful Data Insights

Posbytz’s powerful dashboard captures details like the number of registered customers, total sales, segmented sales data on the type of product sold the highest and also tabular charts representing the profits or losses for the month. You can also view the sales by location and understand how your stores perform region by region.

PosBytz is the best online sales platform for businesses looking for quick returns on their investment thanks to the assured omnichannel experien


PosBytz is a ERP software for Restaurant and Retail business on cloud with POS, Online ordering, Inventory, Accounting, CRM , Payroll and many more 

PosBytz is a product of Inovo Holdings Ltd

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